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Writing helps you discipline your thoughts. All too often, logical gaps or nuggets of ignorance in a seemingly watertight argument only turn up when you commit your thoughts to the paper. (Well, word processor.) And, vice versa, thinking without writing things down tends to be infected with sloppiness.


Write about what you learn. It pushes you to understand topics better. Sometimes the gaps in our knowledge only become clear when explaining things to others.


Writing about what you learn is more than just a method of documentation; it’s a powerful tool for deepening understanding and revealing the gaps in one’s knowledge. This practice pushes us to explore topics more thoroughly and to articulate their thoughts in a coherent and precise manner.



Elizabeth Gilbert, “Big Magic” 伊丽莎白-吉尔伯特,“大魔力”

Approach creativity with curiosity rather than fear.


Let go of perfectionism and embrace the joy of creating.


Austin Kleon, “Steal Like an Artist”


Embrace influence; don’t shy away from the work that inspires you. 接受影响;不要回避能激发你灵感的作品。

Combine ideas from different sources to create something unique. 将不同来源的创意结合起来,创造出独一无二的作品。

Steven Pressfield, “The War of Art” 史蒂文-普雷斯菲尔德,“艺术之战”

Recognize and overcome ‘Resistance’ - self-sabotage, procrastination, fear, distractions that prevent you from doing your work. 认识并克服 “阻力”–自我破坏、拖延、恐惧以及阻碍你完成工作的干扰因素。

Treat your art like a professional - show up, start working, don’t over-identify with your work. 像对待专业人士一样对待你的艺术–出现,开始工作,不要过度认同你的作品。

Natalie Goldberg, “Writing Down the Bones” 娜塔莉-戈德堡,“写下骨头”

Use ‘free writing’ as a practice - continuous, non-stop writing to unlock creativity and overcome the inner critic. 将 “自由写作 “作为一种练习–持续不断地写作,释放创造力,克服内心的批评。

Embrace detail - be specific, concrete, and tangible in your writing. 拥抱细节–在写作中要具体、实在、实在。

Neil Gaiman, “View from the Cheap Seats” 尼尔-盖曼,“廉价座位上的风景”

Start telling the stories that only you can tell - they carry your unique perspective. 开始讲述只有你能讲述的故事–它们承载着你独特的视角。

Remember, most of your ideas will be bad; it’s part of the process of getting to the good ones.


Virginia Woolf, “A Room of One’s Own” 弗吉尼亚-伍尔夫,“一个人的房间”

As a writer, you need the freedom of a mind unencumbered by interruptions. 作为一名作家,你需要不受干扰的思想自由。

In order to write effectively, you need a room of your own - both literally and metaphorically. 为了有效地写作,你需要一个属于自己的房间–无论是字面意义上的还是隐喻意义上的。

Zadie Smith, “Feel Free” 扎迪-史密斯,“自由自在

Engage with the world around you - your experiences, observations, and reactions can provide material for your writing. 接触你周围的世界–你的经历、观察和反应可以为你的写作提供素材。

Write for the joy of expressing yourself freely, not for external validation. 写作是为了自由表达自己的快乐,而不是为了获得外界的肯定。

Joan Didion, “The Year of Magical Thinking” 琼-狄迪恩,“神奇思维年”

Write with brutal honesty about personal grief and trauma. 用残酷的诚实书写个人的悲伤和创伤。

Use writing as a way to make sense of personal experiences. 将写作作为了解个人经历的一种方式。

Ernest Hemingway, “A Moveable Feast” 欧内斯特-海明威,“流动的盛宴”

Try to write one true sentence a day to prompt your writing.


Use your personal experiences as material for your writing.


Rachel Carson on Writing and the Loneliness of Creative Work


“If you write what you yourself sincerely think and feel and are interested in… you will interest other people.”


Jennifer Egan on Writing, the Trap of Approval, and the Most Important Discipline for Aspiring Writers


“You can only write regularly if you’re willing to write badly… Accept bad writing as a way of priming the pump, a warm-up exercise that allows you to write well.”


Elmore Leonard’s 10 Rules of Writing

埃尔莫-伦纳德的 10 条写作法则

“If it sounds like writing … rewrite it.”


Anne Lamott: Writing and Why Perfectionism Kills Creativity


“Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life.”


被低估的工程技能 - 写好文章


Most people dramatically underestimate the impact that their writing has on others.




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