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轻松学习英语的 7 条规则

  1. 学习短语而不是单词

    • 准备一个短语笔记本,随时记下短语
  2. 学习语法会扼杀你的口语

  3. 用耳朵学习,而不是用眼睛学习。

  4. 重复是掌握口语的关键

  5. 直观和无意识地学习语法

  6. 学习真正的英语,而不是教科书上的英语

  7. 用引入入胜的故事学英语

  • 通过专注于母语人士使用的正宗英语材料来学习真正的英语
  • 通过听和答的故事学习用英语思考,训练你自动回答,无需翻译


  • 立刻获取以下东西:

    1. 获取一本语法参考书,但是跳过 90%的练习,仅作为参考。

    2. 获取一本英汉词典以及一本英英词典。

    3. 一本主题词汇书,这样可以获取类似的词语。

    4. 频率词典

    5. 短语集合

  • 大量听能理解的东西,遇到不认识的单词,先听,先学会读,然后才去找他的意思

  • 结合图像,结合生活中的东西,人物,联系起来,比如谷歌图片,或者个人的记忆

  • 用别人做好的卡片集合记单词没有用,因为这不是你的个人经验集合,相反,你应该自己创造你自己的卡片集合。卡片构建过程是学习语言最有趣和最令人满意的方式之一。

  • 语言学习的三个基本关键:

    1. 首先学习发音。
    2. 不要翻译。
    3. 使用间隔重复系统。
  • 死记硬背是无聊的,它不适用于长期记忆。

  • 不要复习,要用回忆。

    • 这里的意思是说不要单纯的读一个句子,试着靠回忆把这个句子写下来。
  • 通过创建四种类型的连接来实现记忆:结构,声音,概念和个人连接。心理学家在 1970 年代发现了它们,他们创建了一个奇怪的问卷,其中包含四种类型的问题,并将其交给大学生:

    • 结构:BEAR 这个词中有多少个大写字母?
    • 声音:苹果与 Snapple 押韵吗?
    • 概念:TOOL 是“仪器“的另一个词吗?
    • 个人联系:你喜欢披萨吗?
  • 图像回忆研究一再证明,我们的视觉记忆是惊人的。1960 年代,记忆研究人员对大学生进行了有史以来最可怕的记忆测试之一:两种选择强制选择测试。在其中,大学生被展示了 612 个杂志广告(可能被绑在椅子上,睁着眼睛),然后被要求在展示新的混合图像时识别旧照片。学生们在 98.5%的时间内正确挑选了旧图像。由于不满意,研究人员用更多的图像重复了他们的测试,试图确定大学生会忍受低薪和免费食物。似乎没有限制。学生们愿意连续五天坐在黑暗的房间里,连续观看一万张图片。研究结束后,这些学生准确地识别了 83%的图像。我们的视觉记忆能力是非凡的;我们只需要学习如何利用它。

  • 你永远不会只在 Anki 下载一个别人的整理好的集合,然后就神奇地学会一门语言。为什么?Anki 卡片在让你记住你自己的东西方面非常出色,如果是别人的,那几乎没什么作用。你在看过别人的卡片时,你可能不会自发地想到你童年的猫或谷歌图片搜索这个词时出现的众多史莱克:穿靴子的猫的图像。没有电影,没有声音,也没有故事。在这种情况下,当你在上班的路上忙着学习时,你将很难形成一个深刻的、多感官的记忆。这不是 SRS 的错;这是语言游戏的本质。

  • 你有没有通过写出笔记摘要来学习考试?它工作得很好,不是吗?当你创造一些东西时,它就成为你的一部分。相反,如果你只是抄袭别人的笔记,你就不会受益匪浅。当你试图记住别人的作品时,你正在与大脑的过滤器进行一场艰苦的战斗。

  • 传统的语言课程失败的原因之一就是没有人能给你属于你自己的一门语言,你必须自己创建它。你语言中的每个单词都得是你自己的才行。像 Rosetta Stone 这样的程序可以为像球和大象这样的单词提供体面的原创体验,但最终,你需要处理像经济状况这样的单词。像这样的抽象单词需要复杂的个人联系,如果你要在说话时舒适地使用它们的话。你必须为自己建立这些联系,因为没有人能告诉你当前的经济状况如何影响了你。

  • 你的大脑天生就会忽略外来声音之间的差异。要重新连接它,请用目标语言听最小的单词对(类似发音的 2 个单词),如 niece 和 knee - 并测试自己,直到你的大脑适应听到这些新的声音。这里有一个 Anki 资源很好用:https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/525138553

  • 歌手首先学习发音,因此,我们不必与多年的坏习惯作斗争。在我们知道单词的含义之前,我们学会了准确地模仿单词,这样我们就可以在不让自己尴尬的情况下登上舞台。你也应该这样做。如果你等到以后再处理你的口音,你将失去你词汇中的每个单词数百(或数千次)。

  • 如果有长单词,可以分段练,先从词尾开始一小节一小节连,最后连起来。


  • Think of it
  • All of us
  • it’ll be fine
  • out of -> outta
  • I don’t want to get into -> I don wanna get into
  • lives up
  • make an appointment


  • 只有 4%的英文对话是 Native to Native 的 – ted,9:53

Common Expression🔗

  • There’s a wonderful line I came across -> There’s a wonderful quote I found
  • My girlfriend is on her period.
  • Tens of millions of Chinese are currently unable to leave their homes. All face being taken to isolation centres, should they test positive or be declared close contacts of a virus-carrier. A grim fate for anyone, centralised quarantine is terrifying for pet-owners, who must scramble to find a shelter or someone to foster their animals. If they fail, the creatures may starve in an empty flat or—as has happened in several cities—be bludgeoned to death by workers sent to disinfect homes.
  • Never that will happen.
  • Do you often work overtime in your company?

Chat Topics🔗

  • 对话启动器
  • 对话问题
  • Good Questions
  • What did you eat for breakfast?
  • What’s your favorite food?
  • What do you do in your spare time?
  • Do you have a pet? dog or cat? what’s its name? what’s its breed?
  • Have you read any impressive books recently?
    • Have you read any impressive articles recently?
    • Have you watch any impressive tv shows/movies recently?
  • What website do you usually visit?
  • Where is one place you’d love to travel again?
    • where have you traveled?
  • what projects are you working on now?
  • Do you collect anything?
  • What are you currently worried about?
  • Where do you get your news?
  • What was the last photo you took?
  • Is there anything you’ve bought that’s not expensive but works well?
  • What are the 3 applications you use most often
  • What’s the best and worst thing about the country you are from?
  • What are your best tips for learning English?

First Conversation🔗

~Hello! Pleased to meet you. My name is… What’s your name?

~My name is… Nice to meet you too.

~How are you today?

~I’m well, and you?

~I’m fine thanks/I’m tired, please go easy on me!

~Where are you from?

~I’m from… And you?

~Where do you live?

~I live in…

~How old are you?

~I am… years old.

~What do you do for a living?

~I’m a student. I’m studying…

~I work as…

~I am retired.

~What would you like to do when you finish your studies?

~Tell me about a typical day at work.

~Do you have any hobbies?

~How long have you been learning…? – e.g. ‘How long have you been learning Spanish?’

~I have been learning… for… months/years.

~Why do you want to learn…? – e.g. ‘Why do you want to learn Spanish?’

~I want to learn… because/to… – e.g. ‘I want to learn Spanish to surprise my grandparents. They are from Madrid.’

~Have you ever been to…? – e.g. ‘Have you ever been to Cuba?’

~Yes, last year/… years ago.

~No, I haven’t, but I’d like to go one day.

~What did you like most about…? – e.g. ‘What did you like most about Cuba?’

~I loved…

~Did you like it?

~I liked it/No, I didn’t.

~What’s your favourite book/movie/song?

~My favourite book/movie/song is…

~What is the book/movie/song about?

~The book/movie/song is about…

~Who is your favourite actor/singer/author? What do you like about them?

~My favourite actor/singer/author is… I love the fact that…

~Can you cook?

~Yes, I can/No, I can’t.

~What’s your favourite food?

~My favourite food is…

~Do you like…? – e.g. ‘Do you like pasta?’

~Yes, I love it/No, I don’t.

~Do you prefer… or… – e.g. ‘Do you prefer Thai or Vietnamese?’

~Do you play any sports?

~Yes, I play…/No, I don’t.

~What sport do you like?

~I like…/I don’t like any sports.

~Do you have any pets?

~Yes, I have a… His/her name is…/No, I don’t have any pets.

~What do you like to do in your free time?

~I like…

~Tell me about your last holiday. Where did you go? Did you travel with someone or by yourself?

~My last holiday was in… I went with…/by myself.

~What did you do there?

~I visited… I had a great time!

~Would you rather… or…? – e.g. ‘Would you rather be invisible or be able to read people’s minds?’

~I’d rather be… – e.g. ‘I’d rather be invisible’.

~What’s on your bucket list?

~I’m sorry, I didn’t understand. Can you repeat, please?

~Got it, thanks!

~Could you please talk slower?

~How do you say… in…? – e.g. ‘How do you say cheers! in Italian?’

~What does… mean? – e.g. ‘What does salute! mean?’

~It means… – e.g. ‘It means cheers! ’

~How do you spell that?

~What are your plans for the weekend?

~This weekend, I will…

~I have no plans for the weekend.

~OK, that’s all for today. I’ll see you next week.

~Thanks for your help! See you next week.

Following conversation sessions🔗

~What do you think about…? – e.g. ‘What do you think about space tourism?’

~I think it’s a good/bad idea.

~I think it’s good news/a serious issue.

~Do you think it’s important to…? – e.g. ‘Do you think it’s important to believe in yourself?’

~I think so/I don’t think so.

~In my opinion, it’s important/not important because…

~Do you think it’s possible…? – e.g. ‘Do you think it’s possible to never lie?’

~It depends/It’s possible.

~I think so/I don’t think so.

~Do you agree with…? – e.g. ‘Do you agree with gun control?’

~I agree with it/I disagree with it.

~What is the difference between… and…? – e.g. ‘What is the difference between a good beer and a great one?’

~The difference is…

~Have you ever…? – e.g. ‘Have you ever been skydiving?’

~Yes, I have/No, I haven’t. ~Was… better in the past or now? – e.g. ‘Was fashion better in the past or now?’

~It is better now because…/It was better in the past because…

~What are the advantages/benefits of…? – e.g. ‘What are the advantages of working from home?’

~The advantages/benefits are…

~What are the disadvantages of…? – e.g. ‘What are the disadvantages of working from home?’

~The disadvantages are…

~What is the best/worst thing about…? – e.g. ‘What is the best/worst thing about renting a house?’

~The best/worst thing about… is…

~Who do you think is the greatest person in history?

~I think the greatest person in history is…

~What do you like most about… – e.g. ‘What do you like most about your country?’

~What do you like least about…? – e.g. ‘What do you like least about your country?’

~What makes a good…? – e.g. ‘What makes a good friendship?’

~What can we do to… – e.g. ‘What can we do to help the environment?’

~When you were a child/teenager, did you…? – e.g. ‘When you were a child/teenager, did you watch cartoons?’

~Now that you are an adult, do you still…? – e.g. ‘Now that you are an adult, do you still watch cartoons?’

~Who… the most? Kids or adults? – e.g. ‘Who watches TV the most? Kids or adults?’

~Do you think… is for everyone or is aimed more at children/adolescents/adults? – e.g. ‘Do you think the Harry Potter movies are for everyone or are they aimed more at children/adolescents/adults?’

~What would you do if…? – e.g. ‘What would you do if you won a million dollars?’

~Do you prefer… or…? – e.g. ‘Do you prefer to wake up early or sleep in?’

~Do you prefer… alone or with someone? – e.g. ‘Do you prefer travelling alone or with someone?’

~If you could…, what would you do? – e.g. ‘If you could fly, what would you do?’

~Have you ever heard of…? – e.g. ‘Have you ever heard of the game Dungeons & Dragons ?’

~Yes, I’ve heard of it/No, it’s the first time I’ve heard of it.

~Did you know that… – e.g. ‘Did you know that karate, skateboarding, baseball and surfing will be part of the next Olympic games?’

~What are the risks of…? – e.g. ‘What are the risks of never taking a risk?’



Don’t be upset, but . . .

It was a slip of the tongue.

I said it by mistake.

I am sorry that . . .


One hundred percent.

Without question.

Exactly right.

Most certainly.

Without doubt.

In no way . . .

That isn’t true at all.

That is an exaggeration.

I really can’t believe that.

In principle that is true, but . . .

Admittedly that is true, but . . .

That’s one way to say it.

Only up to a certain point.

Certainly. Why not?

I agree.


That is all there is to say.

That is all for now.

To sum up . . .

And there is the problem.

I hope it is only a matter of time.

That remains to be seen.



Frankly speaking . . .

Between you and me . . .

Anyway . . .

Well then . . .

Well, as a matter of fact . . .

How can I put it?

I must say that . . .

First . . .

Second . . .

I would like you to know that . . .

I am afraid that . . .

Now and then it seems to me that . . .

After all . . .

As far as I am concerned . . .

More and more . . .

Actually . . .

All joking aside . . .

Now seriously . . .


To be more precise . . .

And what’s more . . .

Since I am already talking about it . . .

I would like to emphasize that . . .

Should I explain in greater detail?

Allow me to say it another way.

That is to say . . .

Nevertheless . . .

Even though . . .

That sounds like . . .

And that is why . . .


Thank you very much.

That is a good question.

That is such a difficult question.

Once upon a time, long ago . . .


Can you tell me please . . . ?

Would you be interested in us talking about something else?

And what do you think?


To tell you the truth . . .

I presume that . . .

I hope that . . .

In my opinion . . .

If that is true . . .

I don’t know exactly.

I would like to think that . . .

The way I see it is that . . .

As you may know . . .

I don’t have a big interest in that.

If I understand correctly . . .

As you already know . . .

That isn’t such a big problem.

That is a matter of opinion.

As far as I know . . .

I have the impression that . . .

It is usually true that . . .

You never know, but . . .

I haven’t thought about it before, but . . .

If I am not mistaken . . .

I am not certain whether . . .

Like every other man/woman . . .

I have my own opinion on it, but . . .

I am not an expert, but . . .


He/she said something like . . .

My wife/husband pointed out that . . .

Recently, I heard that . . .

My better half said . . .


Now it occurs to me that . . .

By the way . . .

I have an interesting story about it.

And besides that . . .

Oh, I nearly forgot . . .

And one more thing . . .

On the other hand . . .

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