All Updates about this blog.
Move hot notes to index.
2023.07.25 Use telegram group as comment system.🔗
2023.06.14 Remove nav bar🔗
2023.06.10 Remove Activity Page🔗
For the heavy building times, like 250s.
2022.10.20 og:img use asset image🔗
use asset image as the default og:img
2022.10.10 Blockquote ui🔗
from |
to "
2022.09.01 Show short title🔗
Show short title for all posts in home page:
2022.07.25 Support Tweet Reply🔗
Show tweet reply:
2022.07.18 Inline Style🔗
For better performance, I have inline my pages css;
{%- set css = load_data(path="static/site/styles/site.css") -%}
{{css | safe}}
Also, for better performance, docs search css will be loaded defer:
<link rel="preload" href="{{ get_url(path="site/styles/docs-searchbar.min.css",
trailing_slash=false,cachebust=true) | safe }}" as="style"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{
trailing_slash=false,cachebust=true) | safe }}"></noscript
2022.07.12 Change Surface Background Color🔗
Now it looks like this:
2022.07.12 Support Search🔗
Powerd by Meilisearch
2022.07.09 Support backlinks.🔗
2022.07.09 Fix large building time🔗
I wrote a heavy logic in the base.html
template, this can increase much building time, actually the logic is only dependent by two page, so I move it, now the building time is about 1 second again, also see here
2022.07.06 Desktop Read Mode🔗
when screen width greater than 67.5rem, then set the background color of main area as white, it’s like the safari reader mode, can be more focus to the reader.
2022.07.03 Decrease Base fontsize🔗
Change base font size to 15px
2022.06.30 index toggle more button🔗
Add Toggle More Button.
2022.06.18 refactor sidebar/archive🔗
Migrate sidebar/
to pages/
, all spectified page located in content/pages
2022.06.14 - Activity Page🔗
Adding Activity page.
2022.06.13 - IndieWeb🔗
Support IndieAuth
Joining IndieWeb Webring, See home page bottom right corner
- Support Webmention, see example Now, I’m in IndieWeb?
2022.05.14 - Latest Updates🔗
Add Latest Updates to home page.
2022.04.25 - Random Category🔗
Change category Misc
to Random
, I prefer Random
than Misc
, cause I even don’t know what Misc
is. It’s inspired by Pin 起來
2022.04.24 - SEO🔗
Add og:title
to pages for better SEO.
2022.04.08 - Edit Link🔗
Adding Edit this article link to every post.
2022.03.29 - Birthday🔗
Today is this blog’s birthday, and I’m happy to announce that I’ve migrated from Wiki and Blog to New Blog. The Blog is built with Zola, I also wrote 迁移博客和 Wiki 到 Zola to record it. The biggest difference is the blazing building speed of Zola, for now, it only takes 2 seconds to build the whole site.
Support 读书笔记 Templates, show my review score of the book, and show Books Sort By Rating