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Adding search to zola blog with meilisearch deployed on Mogenius

I deployed Meilisearch on my VPS a couple of days ago, but I’m panic, because I mess up my VPS a lot, and I rebuild my VPS a lot, so it’s not a stable environment to deploy meilisearch. So I started to browse free-for-dev, see if there are some good(and cheap) solutions for me. I saw this:

mogenius - A code-to-cloud platform to easily deploy any service, from static website to advanced microservice architectures. mogenius comes with fully managed hyper-scaling cloud resources, Kubernetes, CI/CD and security from Cloudflare. Free tier includes 1 CPU core, 2 GB RAM, 10 GB traffic, 4 GB SSD persistent storage.

The main point:

  • Free tier includes 1 CPU core, 2 GB RAM, 10 GB traffic, 4 GB SSD persistent storage.
  • from static website to advanced microservice architectures.

I think it’s enough for my blog’s search index.

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Now, I'm in IndieWeb?

Since I saw the concept of IndieWeb last year, I’ve been wanting to support it on my Zola blog. Before that my blog had never had a commenting system, and this time with Webmention I was finally able to get a static blog to display responses to articles on the web in plain html. I will document how I did it in this article.

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How to Live a Happy Life

“If we want to be happier, I think the first place to start is looking at the available options and then working out which to pursue. The way I see it, there are only three avenues to take. We can change how we think, how we spend our time, or the external facts of our life.”

“If you look at what people actually do to be happier, it seems nearly everyone tries to change the external facts: we try to become richer, thinner, more successful, to find a better house in a nicer area, and so on. A few of us think about trying to spend less time working, and more time on hobbies or with friends and family. Almost no one thinks about actively retraining the way they think. In fact, I don’t think this last one even crosses most of our minds.”

How to live a happy life Tell us 4 suggestions:

  1. Write down three things you’re grateful for each day.
  2. Practise mindfulness.
  3. Learn about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and use it.
  4. Track your happiness, then do more of what you like and less of what you don’t.

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Wiki Links to Markdown Links for VSCode

Recently, I migrated my Wiki to Zola. Zola does not support relative internal links, it only support @/xxx.md internal link format. This is a bit painful, I posted a feature request to Zola. But for now, I will use my own edited version of Zola, this change will allow me to use /content/xxx.md internal link format.

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The main reason that why I’m not in the web3, is I don’t have a good password/dotfiles manager, so it’s difficult for to login with MetaMask, cause I don’t know where to store my recover code.

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A new Gatsby theme [Timeline] - Show your all posts, tweets, instagram posts into one

Don’t you think there are too many different personal profile for us? Like twitter, instagram, facebook, blog, etc, So do I, I suppose there is an elegant site to show all my creative work, that’s the new gatsby theme Timeline, a Gatsby theme, you can use it to show your all posts, tweets, instagram posts etc into one blog. In my opinion, this is a real personal home.

Checkout my blog: https://blog.owenyoung.com/

Source Repo

Live Demo

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