Latest Short Thoughts:🔗
The main reason that why I’m not in the web3, is I don’t have a good password/dotfiles manager, so it’s difficult for to login with MetaMask, cause I don’t know where to store my recover code.
By Latest Articles::
Simple bash to generate template markdown file for the initial blog post
When you’re using markdown to write your blog, you can use the following template to generate a new markdown file, you may use some template like this to generate a new markdown file:
Adding search to zola blog with meilisearch deployed on Mogenius
I deployed Meilisearch on my VPS a couple of days ago, but I’m panic, because I mess up my VPS a lot, and I rebuild my VPS a lot, so it’s not a stable environment to deploy meilisearch. So I started to browse free-for-dev, see if there are some good(and cheap) solutions for me. I saw this:
mogenius - A code-to-cloud platform to easily deploy any service, from static website to advanced microservice architectures. mogenius comes with fully managed hyper-scaling cloud resources, Kubernetes, CI/CD and security from Cloudflare. Free tier includes 1 CPU core, 2 GB RAM, 10 GB traffic, 4 GB SSD persistent storage.
The main point:
- Free tier includes 1 CPU core, 2 GB RAM, 10 GB traffic, 4 GB SSD persistent storage.
- from static website to advanced microservice architectures.
I think it’s enough for my blog’s search index.
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Latest Quotes:🔗
Hi there, My name is Sam, I work on the team here at Reflect. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you get going on your note-taking journey! I can help with anything from getting set up on Reflect, to workflows, templates, and use case videos. Enjoy!
p.s. this is an automated message but replies to my personal inbox. Some days I get more emails than others so please give me a day or two to respond! - Reflex first Email
If you’re not the customer, you’re the product. - hn
Basically. If there’s some nice free thing you use that’s too good to be true… wait a few years it will go to muck. - HN
Western multinationals today think about putting their next factory: “A.B.C. — Anywhere But China.” - nytimes
Sadly, as we see in the world today, it turns out that fascism is the most optimized ideology available given the limited cognitive bandwidth constraints of a 280-character post. This is because the answer is always simple with fascism: generally a death threat towards the marginalized group of the day will do just fine, which easily fits into 280 characters: “Storm the capitol building!”? “Hang Mike Pence!”? Yep, even congressional members and vice presidents can be marginalized under the right circumstances, and it’s under 280 characters. - Source
“I was lucky.” “Women always say that when they’ve done something extraordinary”. – The handmaids tale S05E03
Why does the patriarchy exist?
Very easy answer. A short time ago, historically, before birth control, antibiotics and NICUs, a huge portion of most women’s lives was consumed with pregnancy, birthing, dying during childbirth, having shit tons of children because high infant mortality and no birth control— that takes out your 16-40yo female demographic who would otherwise be having a say in leadership/positions of power. Meanwhile all the same men in that demographic who were not constantly stuck with this exhausting deadly job were traipsing around playing war and king and big boss with all their free time for thousands of years and a societal structure was created favoring these roles. Now that the playing field has slowly, finally evened out some in the past 100 years or so there is not surprisingly a LOT of catching up to do. - reddit
Chinese people are not stupid, they are not incapable of distinguishing right from wrong, it’s just that the whole environment of speech is so unfair that only one voice is allowed. I am optimistic that most people will be able to distinguish between right and wrong within a year’s time if they are allowed to compete fairly.
If there is no religion there is so division among people. We can move on from imaginary issues and focus on real issues of our planet. - reddit comment
reddit users and making vague generalizations based on their own biases. - reddit comment
He sees it all personified in Lee Kuan Yew, who “honestly thought that money and status equated to happiness … His failure to understand how false that was really showed, leading us to become one of the richest countries in the world, and one of the most depressed. Ultimately, how do you quantify a great leader? It is by how he creates a place where people are able to live happily and prosper based on their own unique attributes. And he hasn’t.” – Story of cities #27: Singapore – the most meticulously planned city in the world
Democracy and capitalism are 100% unrelated to each other. Democracy is a form of government, capitalism is an economic system. You can have Fascist Capitalists(China), Fascist Mercantilists(US Republicans), Fascist Socialism(the USSR), Democratic Capitalists(most Americans), Democratic Mercantilists(The British), Democratic Socialism(Bernie Sanders types in the US; many of the Nordics), and a whole host of things in between. Democracy and Capitalism are two separate axes creating a plane, rather than two sides of the same axis. – reddit comment
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